Fala - nad morzem

wczasy, wakacje, urlop

Podwójna wartość dobrego urlopu

05 grudnia 2009r.

Working through the whole year undoubtedly makes you think of a good place to relax during your holiday. It’s essential in our life to keep balance. Lack of work and overwork is against our nature and badly affects our health.  People who work hard for a long time without vacations are less productive, constantly tired and more stressed. It is especially important in the current global economic crisis when employers are more demanding and workload increases. Changing the climate and surroundings definitely helps relax and rest. Everybody needs from time to time to turn off the computer and lay on the beach or rest far away from the workplace. When you come back you will be re-vitalized, more creative and refreshed.  It is an essential process which enables you to work more efficiently and effectively. So…if you desire some days off you are probably overworked and that is why you are subconsciously dreaming of some nice place to spend your vacation.

ocena 4.2/5 (na podstawie 38 ocen)

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relax, holiday, wczasy nad morzem